Do you want to know what we will be bringing on our bikes?
On this page you will find our packing list. It is important for us to bring as little as possible, because every gram we bring we have to transport ourselves on the bike. At the same time our packing list has to be very complete and cater to all weather types. You can use the links to find more information about our gear and you can see who of us will be carrying it in which bag.
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…ahhhh the tripod…
my only gear tip: take an extra pump because if it breaks you are screwed
I would like to learn more about all the electronical goodies you will be taking with you. Back in the day I travelled with a nokia 3100 and, can you believe it, a sony portable discman and stack of cds! That seems laughable now.
Ham for sure we are still working on the details and what we will be bringing of electronic equipment, we will try and keep most rechargeable from USB and thereby possible to charge from the hub dynamo. Furthermore we want to be able to make good pictures and video along the way and probably an Ipad and a small laptop will be included for the website and communications. Point take and a Gear choice on electronic goodies is on the list.
Just 14 and 10 Kg gear is hard to believe if you even take a kitchen sink with you 🙂
“Under construction”, I presume.
Yes under construction :), we expect around 25Kg per person. At the end of the year we should have a complete packing list.