
Urumqi to Ulaanbaatar – doing it different part 2

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 3rd February, 2015|Categories: China, Mongolia, North East China, Reflections|Tags: , , , , |

So, I arrived at Hohhot East train station at around 16:30. I was still operating on western China time and hadn't realized that the sun would already be so far down. I thought I had enough hours of daylight left, but instead I had to rush. I asked a porter to help me with my two huge [...]

My mental battle of bicycle touring

By |2015-11-09T06:03:49+01:00 6th July, 2014|Categories: Reflections, South East Turkey, Thoughts, Turkey|Tags: , , , , |

The thing that is keeping me back most on this trip is my mind... It is hard to say but my mind is really screwed up sometimes. The last three days have been the hardest days for me on this trip. I was almost ready to call it quits. My mental battle of bicycle touring, how did [...]

Cycle touring, a view on my thoughts

By |2019-08-15T10:03:18+02:00 8th April, 2014|Categories: Journey|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

We have shared our sights and happenings along the way. Do you ever wander about: what is happening with their thoughts as they move further and further away from “home”? Ham, my good old biking guru and friend asked me the other day in an e-mail: how do you think about sunsets now? Also Ham asked how [...]

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