
Camera and accessories on tour

By |2019-08-15T10:03:58+02:00 11th November, 2015|Categories: Gear Choice|Tags: , , |

We have chosen for quite a full set up for photographing. We believe that being able to document this journey has great importance. Also we can used this to go deeper into certain subjects. Below you find the actual gear and descriptions of our camera and accessories on tour. Main Camera of choice: Sony [...]

This is how we camp

By |2019-08-15T10:04:00+02:00 21st May, 2015|Categories: This is how by|Tags: , , , , |

'This is how we camp' is a part of the series “This is how… by”. Camping while on a journey like ours has become a way of life, a ritual. When we camp we relax and make ourselves as comfortable as possible. Usually when we say camp we are wild camping or, called by some, stealth [...]

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