
Tsagaan Sar, a different New Years celebration

By |2019-08-15T10:04:01+02:00 16th March, 2015|Categories: Ancient civilizations, Central Mongolia, Hospitality, Mongolia, Volunteering|Tags: , , , , , |

In Mongolia there are two major traditional holidays. One is in summer and is called Naadam, the other is in winter and is called Tsagaan Sar or white moon. Tsagaan Sar is the celebration of the Lunar New Year, following the same calendar as the Chinese New Year. The photos of this special celebration can be found [...]

Following the Rur and meeting the Rhein

By |2019-08-15T10:03:20+02:00 7th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Journey, People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Wow, what to say about the first days on the bicycle. First and foremost we have already been amazed by the hospitality on the way. Also we really appreciate the small things while cycling. The small rays of sun, the compliments and encouragements we give each other, the views and nice bicycling paths. Departure on Sunday the [...]

Tripreport Biking to Mum

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 4th November, 2013|Categories: People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , |

Before we depart on the 2nd of February we will have a few training runs on the bike. This weekend however had another important goal: giving my mum more information about our bike trip. By now she has seen our website, seen our movie about the Pyrenees trip and seen our bikes, though she still thinks we [...]

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