cycling the pamir highway

The Pamir Highway M41- 4655m a real high

By |2019-08-15T10:03:14+02:00 6th November, 2014|Categories: High mountains, Hospitality, Kyrgyzstan, North eastern Tajikistan, Southern Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan|Tags: , , , , , , |

Anticipation... Expectations... Personal opinions and the Ak-Baital Pass. Cycling the The Pamir Highway M41 is not only about having the legs but definitely the stamina, the motivation and the persistence. Altitude sickness, bad roads, good and bad stories of other cyclists and illness are all a part of it. It has been a mind blowing, interesting cultural and physical [...]

The Wakhan valley with exciting views, roads and people.

By |2019-08-15T10:03:14+02:00 23rd October, 2014|Categories: Ancient civilizations, High mountains, Southern Tajikistan, Tajikistan|Tags: , , , , , , |

We were excited the day had come Martin was feeling better from the Giardia Lamblia infection and it was our 8 months anniversary for the journey. We had to go and get on the road out of Khorog and cycle onwards to the Wakhan valley. The Wakhan valley we had heard from many people should be a [...]

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