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Karakol and Toktogul
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Karakol and ToktogulTwisting Spokes2019-08-16T15:33:07+02:00
Looking for a place to be at home for a while we stayed in Bishkek for three weeks to be social, get to know the city and eat. Yum!
From 2000 up to 3200 meters, through the tunnel of doom, down an amazing descent, into the fog and with a tailwind towards Bishkek.
Starting at Toktugul we climbed from 900 to 3200 meters all the way to the top of Ala Bel pass
Up and down along the river to Karakol, up a pass and then all the way around Toktogul lake.
Out of no-mansland we get stamped into Kyrgyzstan, we have some great views of Peak Lenin and there is a lot of snow at altitude. We fly down to Sary Tash where we stay at a very cold B&B and push on the next day to reach Osh as soon as possible for some good food and rest.
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