
Brown coal mining in Germany

By |2014-02-07T13:37:37+01:00 7th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Nature, Our interests, People|Tags: , , |

Germany is known as one of the countries that is achieving the most on the part of renewable energy. We have already seen many windmills and also lots of houses with solar energy. Still not all energy comes from renewable sources. Fossil fuels are a part of the energy flow in Germany. The other day we passed [...]

Following the Rur and meeting the Rhein

By |2019-08-15T10:03:20+02:00 7th February, 2014|Categories: Germany, Journey, People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Wow, what to say about the first days on the bicycle. First and foremost we have already been amazed by the hospitality on the way. Also we really appreciate the small things while cycling. The small rays of sun, the compliments and encouragements we give each other, the views and nice bicycling paths. Departure on Sunday the [...]

12 hours until the journey starts

By |2019-08-15T10:03:21+02:00 1st February, 2014|Categories: Journey, Preparations|Tags: , , |

Time goes by so fast. It is about two years ago that we started dreaming of our big trip and tomorrow this journey starts. Since we last wrote on the blog we have been preparing and organising ourselves. We are confident that we are ready for this, although the last few weeks have been hard work, physically [...]

2013 the year when dreams became reality

By |2019-08-15T10:03:21+02:00 31st December, 2013|Categories: Preparations, Year review|Tags: , , , , , , |

Reflection is a strong human function and can be used to improve our lives and if possible the lives of others. The year of 2013 was a year where we really decided to go for our dream journey. So as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi says "Be the change you want to see in the world" we can now look [...]

Our idea becoming real, part 2

By |2019-08-15T10:03:21+02:00 5th December, 2013|Categories: Frequently asked questions, Preparations, Travel tips|Tags: , , , , , , |

Welcome to the second part of our blog post Our idea becoming real, part 2. Here we continue explaining our progress from idea to reality. Currently preparations are progressing and we are on schedule, at least we think so. See Our idea becoming real, part 1 to read what we have covered already. In July we returned from our [...]

Our idea becoming real, part 1

By |2019-08-15T10:03:21+02:00 30th November, 2013|Categories: Frequently asked questions, Preparations, Travel tips|Tags: , , , , , , , |

As we are getting closer to the departure date we want to share some of our thoughts and preparations from the last year. This journey has been in our heads for a long time and we slowly started speaking about making it a reality around September 2012. Then we realized that if we wanted to do this [...]

Who are Mojo and Isaba?

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 22nd November, 2013|Categories: Frequently asked questions|Tags: , , , |

Mojo and Isaba are our lovely bikes which we are really happy with. They will guide us through a whole lot of good adventures and we will do the same to them. Mojo is light green and ridden by Martin, the name Mojo came while biking in the Pyrenees. The word originally means a charm or a spell. [...]

Nice encounters in the misty Netherlands

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 21st November, 2013|Categories: Preparations, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , |

We were ready to enjoy some days on our bicycles, so we had prepared with a long weekend and the route was set. The weekend before we had bought some new gear which needed testing (later in this post we will outline what we specifically were testing). We packed the bags Thursday evening and were packing as complete as [...]

Tripreport Biking to Mum

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 4th November, 2013|Categories: People, The Netherlands, Tripreport|Tags: , , , , , |

Before we depart on the 2nd of February we will have a few training runs on the bike. This weekend however had another important goal: giving my mum more information about our bike trip. By now she has seen our website, seen our movie about the Pyrenees trip and seen our bikes, though she still thinks we [...]

Why this journey, I have asked myself?

By |2019-08-15T10:03:22+02:00 27th October, 2013|Categories: Frequently asked questions, Preparations|Tags: , , |

This is a question that reoccurs in thoughts and conversations, 'why?' is a very essential question to ask yourself in many situations. This is also true for me in this situation, and for both me and Susanne as we talk a lot about our decision of quitting our jobs and leaving “normal” western society to go travelling on [...]

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