Related Photos Hti Lin to Tamu The final chapter of Myanmar on the way to Tamu where we witnessed the devastation of floods and had nice encounters. Leaving Bagan After the temples we cycled out of the town towards Hti Lin. Exploring kingdom of Bagan After an amazing sunrise the day was ready for us to further explore Bagan and find is unique quiet places Kingdom of Bagan and sunrise The magical Kingdom of Bagan, a real highlight and of course we couldn't miss the sunrise with the beautiful balloons. Pyay to Bagan From Pyay the surroundings were getting more dry, the roads more hilly and slowly we were approaching a highlight of our journey: Bagan Yangon to Pyay Cycling out of hectic Yangon we came through towns on the westbank of the Ayeyarwaddy river and enjoyed the flat roads until hills started before Pyay Thaton to Yangon Getting closer to the more central Myanmar and the river Delta. We enjoyed some social cycling days with other cyclists. Mae Sot to Thaton Entering Myanmar was exciting. We felt the change and enjoyed the surroundings.